Frequently Asked Questions

Startfund is a crowdfunding platform open to both founders and founders. It was built to lower the threshold for funding and to give the masses the opportunity of early access. For investors who want to diversify their portfolio.
"Crowdfunding" generally refers to the use of the Internet by small businesses to raise capital through soliciting relatively small individual investments or contributions from a large number of investors. Over the last few years, crowdfunding websites in the US have proven a popular way by which to solicit charitable donations and to raise funds for artistic endeavors like films and social cause.
Startfund welcomes anyone who is of legal age (18+) and can meet the legal requirements. As an inclusive and non-discriminatory organization, we also accept people from different backgrounds and levels of investing experience. Our platform embraces individual, institutional, and accredited investors.
Under Regulation Crowdfunding in the United States, individual investors are subject to certain investment limits over a 12-month period. As of 2022, the investment limits for Regulation Crowdfunding are as follows: - For investors with an annual income or net worth below $107,000: The greater of $2,200 or 5% of the lesser of their annual income or net worth. - For investors with an annual income or net worth equal to or more than $107,000: 10% of the lesser of their annual income or net worth, not to exceed $107,000.These limits are set by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are designed to protect investors from overexposure to risky investments. It's important for investors to be aware of these limits and to consider their own financial situation and risk tolerance before investing through Regulation Crowdfunding platforms.
Startfund is a crowdfunding platform open to both founders and funders. It was built to lower the threshold for fundraising. For issuers who want to raise capital, launching on the platform is currently available to startups and real estate companies.
We can only accept companies formed in the United States.
Startfund is a highly selective platform with only less than 3% of applications passing our due-diligence check, KYC (Know Your Customer) check, AML (Anti-Money-Laundering) policies & procedures, and file issuers’ offering documents with the SEC. To have a head start, issuers should prepare their company’s pitch deck, business model, financial reports, et certa thoroughly and on time.

Note: We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information that issuers provide, but we screen each asset strictly. Startfund wants to build a long-term sustainable development relationship that would bring about a global investment chance for all its users.
The amount is dependent on the campaign. Currently, most of the capital raised from our platform is through Regulation CF.
Still have questions? Contact us.